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Breakfast From Hawaii

Eggs'n Things 9月25日(水)~10月24日(木)の期間限定で毎年人気のモンブランを和のテイストにアレンジした『和モンブランパンケーキ』と3種きのこのホワイトソースととろけるチーズが濃厚な『クリーミーマッシュルームバーガー』が登場!リッチでコク深い『マロンラテ』とご一緒にどうぞ!


All Day Breakfast

Eggs'n Things こだわり Concept Eggs'n Things こだわり Concept

Since opening its door in Hawaii in 1974, Eggs ’n Things has grown to become a casual neighborhood restaurant attracting local residents and tourists from around the world.

We go by a simple concept of “All Day Breakfast”.
From fluffy pancakes to omelets and Eggs Benedict, we are committed to giving customers a delicious hearty breakfast experience in a cheerful atmosphere created by our ‘ohana (staff).

Eggs'n Things こだわり Concept Eggs'n Things こだわり Concept



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Our light and savory pancakes with airy whipped cream is impossible to resist.
We are proud to serve the best pancakes in town.

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フードメニューFood Menu

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We offer a variety of Hawaiian dishes, including soft poached Eggs Benedict, meat platters, garlic shrimp and ahi poke.

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ドリンクメニューDrink Menu

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We have a large selection of drinks that couple well with our dishes like Kona blend coffee that pairs perfectly with our pancakes and Hawaiian tropical cocktails and beers that compliment our Hawaiian dishes.

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セットメニューSet Menu

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We have a set menu available to share with your groups and families.

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